Friday, 3 October 2014

A School for Girls in the Mountains of Abruzzo

Reception by the Emperor and Empress of the Siamese Ambassadors at the Palace of Fontainebleu

Norwegian Peasants Returning from Haying

 View of Villa Strauss

Panoramic view of Constantinople from the tower of Galata

A School for Girls in the Mountains of Abruzzo

Returning to the Sultan Abdulaziz after the Inauguration

Abraham Lincoln President of the United States who the newspaper calls M Lincoln. 
Maybe the French newspaper writer thought he heard - 'Eh Bah...* Em! Lincoln!' then then wrote 'M Lincoln'
*Saying 'Eh bah oui' is French slang and is similar to 'Well, yeah...'

Types and Costumes of the Inhabitants of Caprera

Beijing has a street in the neighborhood We Wai Lo Tching

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